ID P21818; PN Stathmin-2; GN Stmn2; OS 10116; SL Nucleus Position: SL-0198; SL Comments: Cytoplasm. Cytoplasm, perinuclear region. Cell projection, growth cone. Cell projection, axon. Membrane {ECO:0000305}; Peripheral membrane protein {ECO:0000305}; Cytoplasmic side {ECO:0000305}. Golgi apparatus. Endosome. Cell projection, lamellipodium {ECO:0000250}. Note=Colocalized with CIB1 in the cell body, neuritis and growth cones of neurons. Colocalized with CIB1 to the leading edge of lamellipodia (By similarity). Associated with punctate structures in the perinuclear cytoplasm, axons, and growth cones of developing neurons. Exists in both soluble and membrane-bound forms. Colocalized with CIB1 in neurites of developing hippocampal primary neurons. {ECO:0000250}. DR UNIPROT: P21818; DR UNIPROT: Q9ERH2; DR Pfam: PF00836; DR PROSITE: PS00563; DR PROSITE: PS01041; DR PROSITE: PS51663; DE Function: Regulator of microtubule stability. When phosphorylated by MAPK8, stabilizes microtubules and consequently controls neurite length in cortical neurons. In the developing brain, negatively regulates the rate of exit from multipolar stage and retards radial migration from the ventricular zone. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:16618812, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21297631, ECO:0000269|PubMed:9012855}. DE Reference Proteome: Yes; GO GO:0005737; GO GO:0005768; GO GO:0005794; GO GO:0030426; GO GO:0030027; GO GO:0016020; GO GO:0043005; GO GO:0043025; GO GO:0048471; GO GO:0031982; GO GO:0048306; GO GO:0015631; GO GO:1990090; GO GO:0007019; GO GO:0007026; GO GO:0031115; GO GO:0010977; GO GO:0031175; GO GO:0031117; GO GO:0010976; GO GO:0031110; TP Membrane Topology: Lipid-Anchored; Source: UniProt - By Similarity {ECO:0000250}; SQ MAKTAMAYKEKMKELSMLSLICSCFYPEPRNINIYTYDDMEVKQINKRASGQAFELILKPPSPISEAPRTLASPKKKDLS SQ LEEIQKKLEAAEGRRKSQEAQVLKQLAEKREHEREVLQKALEENNNFSKMAEEKLILKMEQIKENREANLAAIIERLQEK SQ ERHAAEVRRNKELQVELSG //