ID P32500; PN Nucleoporin NDC1; GN NDC1; OS 559292; SL Nucleus Position: SL-0178; SL Nucleus Position: SL-0182; SL Nucleus Position: SL-0185; SL Comments: Nucleus, nuclear pore complex {ECO:0000269|PubMed:10684247}. Nucleus membrane; Multi-pass membrane protein. Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, microtubule organizing center, spindle pole body. Note=Central core structure of the nuclear pore complex. Spindle pole body, central plaque. DR UNIPROT: P32500; DR UNIPROT: D6VZE3; DR Pfam: PF09531; DE Function: Functions as a component of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and the spindle pole body (SPB), probably by playing a key role in de novo assembly and insertion of both structures in the nuclear envelope. In SPB duplication NDC1 is required for the insertion of the cytoplasmic side of the SPB in the nuclear envelope, thus allowing for the assembly of the nucleoplasmic SPB side. NPC components, collectively referred to as nucleoporins (NUPs), can play the role of both NPC structural components and of docking or interaction partners for transiently associated nuclear transport factors. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:10684247, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11352933, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15075274, ECO:0000269|PubMed:9864355}. DE Reference Proteome: Yes; DE Interaction: Q05166; IntAct: EBI-390807; Score: 0.67 DE Interaction: Q03790; IntAct: EBI-390810; Score: 0.55 DE Interaction: P09232; IntAct: EBI-390993; Score: 0.37 DE Interaction: P38305; IntAct: EBI-761900; Score: 0.40 DE Interaction: P16521; IntAct: EBI-799689; Score: 0.35 DE Interaction: P38219; IntAct: EBI-799689; Score: 0.35 DE Interaction: P16140; IntAct: EBI-799689; Score: 0.35 DE Interaction: P02994; IntAct: EBI-799689; Score: 0.35 DE Interaction: P00359; IntAct: EBI-799689; Score: 0.35 DE Interaction: P46654; IntAct: EBI-799689; Score: 0.35 DE Interaction: P06169; IntAct: EBI-799689; Score: 0.35 DE Interaction: P14742; IntAct: EBI-799689; Score: 0.35 DE Interaction: P00330; IntAct: EBI-799689; Score: 0.35 DE Interaction: Q05021; IntAct: EBI-7777027; Score: 0.40 DE Interaction: P48559; IntAct: EBI-7887840; Score: 0.40 DE Interaction: P41817; IntAct: EBI-7987828; Score: 0.44 DE Interaction: P06197; IntAct: EBI-6314298; Score: 0.00 DE Interaction: P32500; IntAct: EBI-6322556; Score: 0.00 DE Interaction: P34077; IntAct: EBI-6322567; Score: 0.00 DE Interaction: P53337; IntAct: EBI-6322578; Score: 0.00 DE Interaction: Q06144; IntAct: EBI-6322600; Score: 0.00 DE Interaction: P52919; IntAct: EBI-2132952; Score: 0.48 DE Interaction: Q07457; IntAct: EBI-2882288; Score: 0.00 DE Interaction: Q04477; IntAct: EBI-2887856; Score: 0.00 DE Interaction: Q12315; IntAct: EBI-11888204; Score: 0.37 DE Interaction: P49687; IntAct: EBI-11888586; Score: 0.37 GO GO:0005737; GO GO:0016021; GO GO:0005635; GO GO:0031965; GO GO:0005643; GO GO:0070762; GO GO:0005816; GO GO:0030674; GO GO:0106166; GO GO:0017056; GO GO:0051028; GO GO:0006999; GO GO:0006913; GO GO:0015031; GO GO:0030474; GO GO:0070631; TP Membrane Topology: Transmembrane; Source: UniProt - Sequence Analysis {ECO:0000255}; SQ MIQTPRELLNPRYTYHTIFSDVCKTRFNHLVTRLFFICSIIQTVVISLLALPHSPLWELALAFIPNILALNLVSLLIIVT SQ RKNYMHVKNFGFANSLTFILGQLLSVKFLVYQGVYSMGSILLSFVLGVVFGRGGSGWKPYYKLFIWLVVPTIYNLQHHVT SQ DADKLSFNCENFFQAPQDYVLERVKRIMEKSVILSVISMFVLPIFTTVFFSRQKSGLFDSFTNGVLAVTNLLIISCIIFI SQ TFEFINIAFDAHMSIGCLHKGKLISNLSSTPMETLLSGLSADKPFTRLTAYQELAYRATSLDPSLRAPIYHSKFRSSSGN SQ TWSLILNECLKTIQINNEKVVQYLRSVQDLGGSATARHKKKVENLDYMYENGKLTSANERLFGNRPSMMAPLRDNGLLDE SQ SPNRLRVRTDDSVLLNRGNKKRHRSSYYDNDLDETTQTFNGSIFTHETTFMTAMRLMLKKLKNSIMSFIFPSYAERQSSD SQ ESDNYRLLPNGSNKAQISIIDIWSISKKRQAEKLVPLPICHANSVVALTGLLIRSKTEDPKGGIIASVGDILKTLERSIC SQ ALGEFADWDPESMAYTAFQTQRTAQDRVQQDSEDEDSMKDTTDMISVLYQLSTSAFMEIVLEYNVALNDVYLDADVAKLA SQ NWFLEVYASGNPNAT //