ID Q6BRE4; PN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DBP5; GN DBP5; OS 284592; SL Nucleus Position: SL-0178; SL Nucleus Position: SL-0182; SL Nucleus Position: SL-0185; SL Comments: Cytoplasm {ECO:0000250}. Nucleus, nuclear pore complex. Nucleus membrane {ECO:0000250}; Peripheral membrane protein {ECO:0000250}; Cytoplasmic side {ECO:0000250}. Note=Nuclear pore complex cytoplasmic fibrils. {ECO:0000250}. DR UNIPROT: Q6BRE4; DR Pfam: PF00270; DR Pfam: PF00271; DR PROSITE: PS00039; DR PROSITE: PS51192; DR PROSITE: PS51194; DR PROSITE: PS51195; DE Function: ATP-dependent RNA helicase associated with the nuclear pore complex and essential for mRNA export from the nucleus. May participate in a terminal step of mRNA export through the removal of proteins that accompany mRNA through the nucleopore complex. May also be involved in early transcription (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}. DE Reference Proteome: Yes; GO GO:0005737; GO GO:0031965; GO GO:0005643; GO GO:0005524; GO GO:0016887; GO GO:0003723; GO GO:0003724; GO GO:0051028; GO GO:0015031; TP Membrane Topology: Peripheral; Source: UniProt - By Similarity {ECO:0000250}; SQ MSKEDTRVESDAAELLSSLSLDKKEQTEATVPKVDAKEDKSNDESKQTIKPASTEESKPADVKDATKSEEQEAESNLIKS SQ SYEVKVKLADLQADPNSPLYSVKSFEELGLSSELLKGLYAMKFNKPSKIQEKALPLLISNPPKNMIGQSQSGTGKTAAFS SQ LTMLSRVDESDPNTQCICLAPARELARQTLEVITTMSKFTKITSQLIVPDAMQRGQSTCAHVLVGTPGTLLDLIRRKLIN SQ TSKVKVFVLDEADNMLESQGLGDQCVRVKRTLPKATQLVLFSATFPDEVRKYAEKFVPNANSLELKQEELNVEGIKQLYM SQ DCDSANHKFEVLSELYGLLTIGSSIIFVKTKDTANILYAKMKKEGHKCSILHAGLETSERDRLIDDFREGRSKVLITTNV SQ LARGIDIASVSMVVNYDLPVDQKGAPDPSTYLHRIGRTGRFGRVGVSISFVHDQKSYQDLMAIRSYFGNIEMTRVPTDDW SQ DEVEKIVKKVIKN //