ID Q93VR9; PN Protein SEH1; GN SEH1; OS 3702; SL Nucleus Position: SL-0178; SL Nucleus Position: SL-0185; SL Comments: Nucleus envelope {ECO:0000269|PubMed:21189294, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22902705}. Nucleus {ECO:0000269|PubMed:22288649, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22902705}. Cytoplasm {ECO:0000269|PubMed:22288649, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22902705}. Nucleus, nuclear pore complex {ECO:0000305|PubMed:21189294}. Note=Part of the cellular SEH1 pool is not permanently associated with the Nup107-160 complex. {ECO:0000305|PubMed:22902705}. DR UNIPROT: Q93VR9; DR UNIPROT: Q8LB12; DR UNIPROT: Q9C5X7; DR UNIPROT: Q9C7V9; DR Pfam: PF00400; DR PROSITE: PS50082; DR PROSITE: PS50294; DE Function: Required for proper export of mRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:22288649}. DE Reference Proteome: Yes; GO GO:0005737; GO GO:0005635; GO GO:0031080; GO GO:0035859; GO GO:0005198; GO GO:0034198; GO GO:0051028; GO GO:1904263; GO GO:0015031; TP Membrane Topology: Unknown; Source: UniProt - Sequence Analysis; SQ MAKSMATLDSGTTCSSWNQSGDRLAAGSLNGKLSIYESSTSSSSTFSCTSKVRVSESSIVKIVWLPSEYGDAVACVCEDG SQ SLSIWEELSEDAHGLEWKLCKSMKNKSSQVLDVQFGVSRKSLKMVAAYSDGYLRVFELLNPLELKNWQLQAEFQNVIDSL SQ STLGKPSSLSASVSWNPMKGEEQEPSFVLAFNSDSPHLNSSKIWEFDEAHNRWLAVAELALPEDKGDPVYALSWAPNIGR SQ PYEVVAVATHKGIGIWHVGLAPDLEGRLPVKKVSSLSGHQGEVWQMEWDMSGMTLASTGSDGMVKLWQSNLNGEWHEQAT SQ LEPVPS //