Protein Information |
Protein Name | Nucleoprotein |
Accession Code | I7GVL4 |
Gene | N |
Organism | Black Creek Canal orthohantavirus (Taxonomy: 1980460) |
Part of Reference Proteome? | No |
Sequence (Length: 428) |
Description |
Position in the Nuclear Envelope |
Location | Location ID | Description |
Host Perinuclear Region | SL-0382 | The host perinuclear region is the host cytoplasmic region just around the host nucleus. Note: This location is defined for viral proteins that appear in the perinuclear region of infected host cells | Membrane Topology |
Topology | Source | Annotation Type |
Unknown | UniProt | Sequence Analysis | Assigned Ontology terms |
Description |
Encapsidates the genome protecting it from nucleases (Probable). The encapsidated genomic RNA is termed the nucleocapsid (NC) and serves as template for transcription and replication (Probable). The nucleocapsid has a left-handed helical structure (By similarity). As a trimer, specifically binds and acts as a chaperone to unwind the panhandle structure formed by the viral RNA (vRNA) termini (By similarity). Involved in the transcription and replication initiation of vRNA by mediating primer annealing (By similarity). Plays a role in cap snatching by sequestering capped RNAs in P bodies for use by the viral RdRp during transcription initiation (By similarity). Substitutes for the cellular cap-binding complex (eIF4F) to preferentially facilitate the translation of capped mRNAs (By similarity). Initiates the translation by specifically binding to the cap and 40S ribosomal subunit (By similarity). Prevents the viral glycoprotein N (Gn) from autophagy-dependent breakdown maybe by blocking autophagosome formation (By similarity). Inhibits host EIF2AK2/PKR dimerization to prevent PKR-induced translational shutdown in cells and thus the activation of the antiviral state (By similarity). Also displays sequence-unspecific DNA endonuclease activity (By similarity). {By SimilarityUniProtKB:O36307, By SimilarityUniProtKB:P05133, By SimilarityUniProtKB:Q89462, Curator Inference}. | Assigned Ontology terms |