The host perinuclear region is the host cytoplasmic region just around the host nucleus. Note: This location is defined for viral proteins that appear in the perinuclear region of infected host cells
[Polyprotein pp62]: Essential for the correct assembly and maturation of the core of the virion. {By
SimilarityUniProtKB:Q65179}. [p35]: Component of the core shell (By similarity). Binds to phosphatidylserine, which may enable the core shell binding with the inner membrane (By similarity). {By
SimilarityUniProtKB:Q65179}. [p15]: Component of the core shell (By similarity). Binds to phosphatidylserine and DNA, which may link the core shell to the inner membrane and to the viral nucleoid (By similarity). {By
SimilarityUniProtKB:Q65179}. [p8]: Component of the core shell. {By