Palmitoyltransferase that could catalyze the addition of palmitate onto various protein substrates (PubMed:27153536, PubMed:29326245, PubMed:33219126). Catalyzes palmitoylation of Cys residues in the cytoplasmic C-terminus of EGFR, and modulates the duration of EGFR signaling by modulating palmitoylation-dependent EGFR internalization and degradation (PubMed:27153536). Has a preference for acyl-CoA with C16 fatty acid chains (PubMed:29326245). Can also utilize acyl-CoA with C14 and C18 fatty acid chains (PubMed:29326245). {Experimental EvidencePubMed:27153536, Experimental EvidencePubMed:29326245, Experimental EvidencePubMed:33219126}. (Microbial infection) Dominant palmitoyltransferase responsible for lipidation of SARS coronavirus-2/SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Through a sequential action with ZDHHC9, rapidly and efficiently palmitoylates spike protein following its synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In the infected cell, promotes spike biogenesis by protecting it from premature ER degradation, increases half-life and controls the lipid organization of its immediate membrane environment. Once the virus has formed, spike palmitoylation controls fusion with the target cell. {Experimental EvidencePubMed:34599882}.