The nuclear envelope is a membrane system which surrounds the nucleoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It is composed of the nuclear lamina, nuclear pore complexes and two nuclear membranes. The space between the two membranes is called the nuclear intermembrane space.
The membrane surrounding the nucleus. This term is used when it is not known if the protein is found in or associated with the inner or outer nuclear membrane.
Required for selective macroautophagy (aggrephagy). Acts as an adapter protein by linking specific proteins destined for degradation to the core autophagic machinery members, such as the ATG5- ATG12-ATG16L E3-like ligase, SQSTM1 and LC3 (PubMed:20417604). Along with p62/SQSTM1, involved in the formation and autophagic degradation of cytoplasmic ubiquitin-containing inclusions (p62 bodies, ALIS/aggresome-like induced structures). Along with SQSTM1, required to recruit ubiquitinated proteins to PML bodies in the nucleus (PubMed:20168092). Important for normal brain development. Essential for the formation of axonal tracts throughout the brain and spinal cord, including the formation of the major forebrain commissures. Involved in the ability of neural cells to respond to guidance cues. Required for cortical neurons to respond to the trophic effects of netrin-1/NTN1 (By similarity). Regulates Wnt signaling through the removal of DVL3 aggregates, likely in an autophagy-dependent manner. This process may be important for the determination of brain size during embryonic development (PubMed:27008544). May regulate osteoclastogenesis by acting on the TNFSF11/RANKL - TRAF6 pathway (By similarity). After cytokinetic abscission, involved in midbody remnant degradation (PubMed:24128730). In vitro strongly binds to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns3P) (PubMed:15292400). {By
SimilarityUniProtKB:Q6VNB8, Experimental EvidencePubMed:15292400, Experimental EvidencePubMed:20168092, Experimental EvidencePubMed:20417604, Experimental EvidencePubMed:24128730, Experimental EvidencePubMed:27008544}.
Microcephaly 18, primary, autosomal dominant (MCPH18) [MIM:617520]: A form of microcephaly, a disease defined as a head circumference more than 3 standard deviations below the age, sex and ethnically matched mean. Brain weight is markedly reduced and the cerebral cortex is disproportionately small. MCPH18 affected individuals manifest microcephaly with mild to moderate intellectual disability. {Experimental EvidencePubMed:27008544}. Note=The disease is caused by variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.
Sequestosome-1 (EBI3-associated protein of 60 kDa) (EBIAP) (p60) (Phosphotyrosine-independent ligand for the Lck SH2 domain of 62 kDa) (Ubiquitin-binding protein p62)
Telomeric repeat-binding factor 2-interacting protein 1 (TERF2-interacting telomeric protein 1) (TRF2-interacting telomeric protein 1) (Dopamine receptor-interacting protein 5) (Repressor/activator protein 1 homolog) (RAP1 homolog) (hRap1)
HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, alpha chain E (MHC class I antigen E) [Cleaved into: Soluble HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, alpha chain E (sHLA-E)]