| Entry | Accession | Name | Length | Organism | |
| 1 | E2RU97 | 14-3-3 protein | 248 | Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803 | Show |
| 2 | Q8GWR1 | Aladin | 447 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 3 | Q9NRG9 | Aladin | 546 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 4 | P58742 | Aladin | 546 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 5 | Q8NE71 | ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1 | 845 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 6 | Q6P542 | ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1 | 837 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 7 | Q7YR37 | ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1 | 807 | Pan troglodytes | Show |
| 8 | Q767L0 | ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1 | 807 | Sus scrofa | Show |
| 9 | Q6MG08 | ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1 | 839 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 10 | O76329 | Interaptin | 1738 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 11 | Q13023 | A-kinase anchor protein 6 | 2319 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 12 | Q9WVC7 | A-kinase anchor protein 6 | 2314 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 13 | Q148F2 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 161 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 14 | P30353 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 153 | Equus caballus | Show |
| 15 | P20292 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 161 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 16 | Q2PG08 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 161 | Macaca fascicularis | Show |
| 17 | P30354 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 153 | Macaca mulatta | Show |
| 18 | P30355 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 161 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 19 | P30356 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 153 | Sus scrofa | Show |
| 20 | P30357 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 153 | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Show |
| 21 | P20291 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 161 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 22 | P30358 | Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein | 153 | Ovis aries | Show |
| 23 | Q9UTK5 | Nucleoporin alm1 | 1727 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 24 | Q9N4M4 | Nuclear anchorage protein 1 | 8545 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 25 | H2KZB2 | Ankyrin repeat and LEM domain-containing protein 2 homolog | 603 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 26 | Q8MQX9 | Ankyrin repeat and LEM domain-containing protein 2 homolog | 1174 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 27 | P27214 | Annexin A11 | 503 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 28 | P50995 | Annexin A11 | 505 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 29 | P97384 | Annexin A11 | 503 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 30 | P33477 | Annexin A11 | 503 | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Show |
| 31 | O94353 | Nuclear membrane organization protein apq12 | 115 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 32 | P40532 | Nuclear membrane organization protein APQ12 | 138 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 33 | A3KNS9 | All-trans retinoic acid-induced differentiation factor | 230 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 34 | Q6UW56 | All-trans retinoic acid-induced differentiation factor | 229 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 35 | Q6PGD0 | All-trans retinoic acid-induced differentiation factor | 223 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 36 | Q9UN42 | Protein ATP1B4 | 357 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 37 | Q99ME6 | Protein ATP1B4 | 356 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 38 | Q9BDK6 | Protein ATP1B4 | 355 | Sus scrofa | Show |
| 39 | Q6NTS2 | Barrier-to-autointegration factor A | 90 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 40 | Q66KV4 | Barrier-to-autointegration factor B | 90 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 41 | P61283 | Barrier-to-autointegration factor, N-terminally processed | 89 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 42 | Q6P026 | Barrier-to-autointegration factor | 90 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 43 | O75531 | Barrier-to-autointegration factor, N-terminally processed | 89 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 44 | O54962 | Barrier-to-autointegration factor, N-terminally processed | 89 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 45 | Q5RBU9 | Barrier-to-autointegration factor, N-terminally processed | 89 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 46 | Q9R1T1 | Barrier-to-autointegration factor, N-terminally processed | 89 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 47 | O74907 | Protein bcp1 | 282 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 48 | Q8TD16 | Protein bicaudal D homolog 2 | 824 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 49 | Q921C5 | Protein bicaudal D homolog 2 | 820 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 50 | V6CJ04 | Protein bicaudal D homolog | 737 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 51 | Q3T013 | BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 3-like | 219 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 52 | O60238 | BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 3-like | 219 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 53 | Q9Z2F7 | BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 3-like | 218 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 54 | Q12982 | BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 2 | 314 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 55 | O54940 | BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 2 | 326 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 56 | Q709R6 | LEM domain-containing protein Bocksbeutel | 399 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 57 | O60158 | Bouquet formation protein 4 | 432 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 58 | P38770 | Nucleus export protein BRL1 | 471 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 59 | Q9UT30 | Nucleus export protein brr6 | 297 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 60 | P53062 | Nucleus export protein BRR6 | 197 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 61 | Q9FWS3 | Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 16 | 435 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 62 | P06704 | Cell division control protein 31 | 161 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 63 | P49454 | Centromere protein F | 3114 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 64 | O35744 | Chitinase-like protein 3 | 398 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 65 | O43633 | Charged multivesicular body protein 2a | 222 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 66 | Q9DB34 | Charged multivesicular body protein 2a | 222 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 67 | Q9H444 | Charged multivesicular body protein 4b | 224 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 68 | Q9D8B3 | Charged multivesicular body protein 4b | 224 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 69 | Q5ZJB7 | Charged multivesicular body protein 7 | 448 | Gallus gallus | Show |
| 70 | Q6PBQ2 | Charged multivesicular body protein 7 | 457 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 71 | Q8WUX9 | Charged multivesicular body protein 7 | 453 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 72 | Q8R1T1 | Charged multivesicular body protein 7 | 451 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 73 | Q5R812 | Charged multivesicular body protein 7 | 453 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 74 | Q7T0X5 | Charged multivesicular body protein 7 | 422 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 75 | Q5FW14 | Charged multivesicular body protein 7 | 468 | Xenopus tropicalis | Show |
| 76 | O00299 | Chloride intracellular channel protein 1 | 241 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 77 | Q9Z1Q5 | Chloride intracellular channel protein 1 | 241 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 78 | Q6MG61 | Chloride intracellular channel protein 1 | 241 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 79 | Q1RMV9 | CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 | 244 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 80 | Q20432 | CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 homolog | 246 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 81 | O95476 | CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 | 244 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 82 | Q3TP92 | CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 | 244 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 83 | Q3B7T6 | CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 | 244 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 84 | Q8JIL9 | CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 | 244 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 85 | Q28HW9 | CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 | 244 | Xenopus tropicalis | Show |
| 86 | Q5U395 | CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1A | 245 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 87 | Q5U3T3 | CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1B | 245 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 88 | Q9LV85 | Protein CPR-5 | 564 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 89 | F4HRT5 | Protein CROWDED NUCLEI 1 | 1132 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 90 | O13671 | Importin-alpha re-exporter | 967 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 91 | Q58CQ0 | Protein CUSTOS | 257 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 92 | A9C3N6 | Protein CUSTOS | 236 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 93 | Q96C57 | Protein CUSTOS | 262 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 94 | Q3UY34 | Protein CUSTOS | 256 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 95 | Q5I034 | Protein CUSTOS | 277 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 96 | P0DPK0 | Protein CUSTOS | 237 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 97 | P38937 | Tethering factor for nuclear proteasome cut8 | 262 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 98 | Q09747 | ATP-dependent RNA helicase dbp5 | 503 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 99 | Q14203 | Dynactin subunit 1 | 1278 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 100 | O08788 | Dynactin subunit 1 | 1281 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 101 | P28023 | Dynactin subunit 1 | 1280 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 102 | Q86CZ2 | Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase K | 1213 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 103 | P00639 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 282 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 104 | Q767J3 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 284 | Canis lupus familiaris | Show |
| 105 | Q9YGI5 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 282 | Gallus gallus | Show |
| 106 | Q4AEE3 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 282 | Equus caballus | Show |
| 107 | P24855 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 282 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 108 | P49183 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 284 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 109 | O42446 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 284 | Oreochromis mossambicus | Show |
| 110 | P11936 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 284 | Sus scrofa | Show |
| 111 | O18998 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 281 | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Show |
| 112 | P21704 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 284 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 113 | P11937 | Deoxyribonuclease-1 | 260 | Ovis aries | Show |
| 114 | P40318 | ERAD-associated E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase DOA10 | 1319 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 115 | Q22799 | Dynein light chain 1, cytoplasmic | 89 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 116 | Q02647 | Dynein light chain 1, cytoplasmic | 92 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 117 | Q03001 | Dystonin | 7570 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 118 | Q91ZU6 | Dystonin | 7393 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 119 | Q60490 | 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8),Delta(7)-isomerase | 229 | Cavia porcellus | Show |
| 120 | Q15125 | 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8),Delta(7)-isomerase | 230 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 121 | P70245 | 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8),Delta(7)-isomerase | 230 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 122 | Q9JJ46 | 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8),Delta(7)-isomerase | 230 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 123 | Q17902 | Egalitarian protein homolog | 574 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 124 | Q8WYP5 | Protein ELYS | 2266 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 125 | Q8CJF7 | Protein ELYS | 2243 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 126 | P50402 | Emerin | 254 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 127 | O08579 | Emerin | 259 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 128 | Q63190 | Emerin | 260 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 129 | O01971 | Emerin homolog 1 | 166 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 130 | Q80W54 | CAAX prenyl protease 1 homolog | 475 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 131 | Q23544 | Protein adenylyltransferase fic-1 | 508 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 132 | P25028 | Mitosis initiation protein fs(1)Ya | 696 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 133 | Q9C5H9 | Gamma-tubulin complex component 2 | 678 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 134 | Q9FG37 | Gamma-tubulin complex component 3 | 838 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 135 | Q80WJ1 | Gametogenetin | 673 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 136 | Q8N2G8 | GH3 domain-containing protein | 530 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 137 | Q99J23 | GH3 domain-containing protein | 532 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 138 | Q0WPZ7 | mRNA export factor GLE1 | 611 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 139 | Q53GS7 | mRNA export factor GLE1 | 698 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 140 | Q8R322 | mRNA export factor GLE1 | 699 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 141 | Q4KLN4 | mRNA export factor GLE1 | 698 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 142 | O94652 | mRNA export factor gle1 | 480 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 143 | Q12315 | mRNA export factor GLE1 | 538 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 144 | P40066 | mRNA export factor GLE2 | 365 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 145 | F4KHD8 | Nuclear pore complex protein GP210 | 1923 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 146 | Q99527 | G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 | 375 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 147 | F7EQ49 | G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 | 375 | Macaca mulatta | Show |
| 148 | Q8BMP4 | G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 | 375 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 149 | O08878 | G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 | 375 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 150 | Q55AP1 | Metabotropic glutamate receptor-like protein A | 798 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 151 | Q75JT4 | Metabotropic glutamate receptor-like protein J | 783 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 152 | O00165 | HCLS1-associated protein X-1 | 279 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 153 | Q03281 | Inner nuclear membrane protein HEH2 | 663 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 154 | P12683 | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase 1 | 1054 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 155 | P12684 | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase 2 | 1045 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 156 | Q10283 | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase | 1053 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 157 | Q23529 | Zygote defective protein 12 | 777 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 158 | A1YER2 | Oxidoreductase HTATIP2 | 242 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | Show |
| 159 | Q9BUP3 | Oxidoreductase HTATIP2 | 242 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 160 | Q9Z2G9 | Oxidoreductase HTATIP2 | 242 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 161 | A1YFX9 | Oxidoreductase HTATIP2 | 242 | Pan paniscus | Show |
| 162 | A2T7G9 | Oxidoreductase HTATIP2 | 242 | Pongo pygmaeus | Show |
| 163 | Q8R412 | Interferon alpha-inducible protein 27-like protein 2A | 90 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 164 | P40305 | Interferon alpha-inducible protein 27, mitochondrial | 122 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 165 | O13681 | Integral inner nuclear membrane protein ima1 | 615 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 166 | Q557F4 | Probable importin subunit alpha-A | 550 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 167 | Q02821 | Importin subunit alpha | 542 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 168 | P91276 | Importin subunit alpha-2 | 531 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 169 | O59809 | Probable importin c550.11 | 1029 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 170 | Q76P29 | Importin subunit alpha-B | 516 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 171 | Q14974 | Importin subunit beta-1 | 876 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 172 | P70168 | Importin subunit beta-1 | 876 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 173 | P52296 | Importin subunit beta-1 | 875 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 174 | O13864 | Importin subunit beta-1 | 863 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 175 | Q06142 | Importin subunit beta-1 | 861 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 176 | O14089 | Importin subunit beta-2 | 910 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 177 | O74476 | Importin subunit beta-3 | 1095 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 178 | O60100 | Probable importin subunit beta-4 | 1067 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 179 | P53067 | Importin subunit beta-5 | 1004 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 180 | P52297 | Importin subunit beta | 876 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 181 | Q96321 | Importin subunit alpha-1 | 532 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 182 | F4JL11 | Importin subunit alpha-2 | 535 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 183 | O80480 | Importin subunit alpha-4 | 538 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 184 | Q9FJ09 | Importin subunit alpha-5 | 519 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 185 | Q9FWY7 | Importin subunit alpha-6 | 538 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 186 | Q9M9X7 | Importin subunit alpha-7 | 528 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 187 | Q9FJ92 | Importin subunit alpha-8 | 441 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 188 | F4KF65 | Importin subunit alpha-9 | 519 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 189 | Q54C85 | Importin-13 homolog A | 1064 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 190 | Q54WT9 | Importin-13 homolog B | 1119 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 191 | Q9SG11 | Protein IQ-DOMAIN 15 | 352 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 192 | Q9ZU28 | Protein IQ-DOMAIN 27 | 351 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 193 | A0A1P8B0B7 | Protein IQ-DOMAIN 29 | 597 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 194 | Q501D2 | Protein IQ-DOMAIN 30 | 572 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 195 | Q8L4D8 | Protein IQ-DOMAIN 31 | 587 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 196 | Q2NND9 | Protein IQ-DOMAIN 7 | 371 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 197 | Q9CAI2 | Protein IQ-DOMAIN 8 | 414 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 198 | Q12912 | Processed inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor associated 2 | 555 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 199 | Q60664 | Processed inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor associated 2 | 539 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 200 | Q9Y7X6 | Stress response protein ish1 | 684 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 201 | Q3ZBV1 | IST1 homolog | 364 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 202 | P53990 | IST1 homolog | 364 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 203 | Q9CX00 | IST1 homolog | 362 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 204 | Q5R6G8 | IST1 homolog | 364 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 205 | Q568Z6 | IST1 homolog | 366 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 206 | P11881 | Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 | 2749 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 207 | P29994 | Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 | 2750 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 208 | Q15811 | Intersectin-1 | 1721 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 209 | Q9Z0R4 | Intersectin-1 | 1714 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 210 | Q9WVE9 | Intersectin-1 | 1713 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 211 | O42287 | Intersectin-1 | 1705 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 212 | P32767 | Importin beta-like protein KAP122 | 1081 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 213 | Q949W6 | Protein KAKU4 | 485 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 214 | Q9Y0E4 | Klarsicht protein | 2262 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 215 | P46822 | Kinesin light chain | 540 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 216 | A0A0B4KEE4 | Klaroid protein | 965 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 217 | P08928 | Lamin Dm0 | 622 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 218 | Q03427 | Lamin-C | 621 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 219 | P42167 | Thymopentin | 454 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 220 | Q61029 | Lamina-associated polypeptide 2, isoforms beta/delta/epsilon/gamma | 452 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 221 | Q62733 | Lamina-associated polypeptide 2, isoform beta | 452 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 222 | Q8MLV1 | Lamin-B receptor | 741 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 223 | Q14739 | Delta(14)-sterol reductase LBR | 615 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 224 | Q3U9G9 | Delta(14)-sterol reductase LBR | 626 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 225 | O08984 | Delta(14)-sterol reductase LBR | 620 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 226 | Q9XTB5 | LEM protein 2 | 500 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 227 | Q10109 | Lap-Emerin-Man domain protein 2 | 688 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 228 | Q8NC56 | LEM domain-containing protein 2 | 503 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 229 | Q6DVA0 | LEM domain-containing protein 2 | 511 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 230 | Q9NDC9 | Lissencephaly-1 homolog | 404 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 231 | B0LSW3 | Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit beta | 410 | Felis catus | Show |
| 232 | P43034 | Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit beta | 410 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 233 | P63005 | Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit beta | 410 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 234 | Q5IS43 | Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit alpha | 410 | Pan troglodytes | Show |
| 235 | P63004 | Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit alpha | 410 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 236 | Q21443 | Lamin-1 | 566 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 237 | P02545 | Lamin-A/C | 664 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 238 | P48678 | Lamin-A/C | 665 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 239 | Q3ZD69 | Lamin-A/C | 664 | Sus scrofa | Show |
| 240 | P48679 | Lamin-A/C | 665 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 241 | P11048 | Lamin-A | 665 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 242 | P14731 | Lamin-B1 | 584 | Gallus gallus | Show |
| 243 | Q54HI5 | Lamin-like protein | 716 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 244 | P20700 | Lamin-B1 | 586 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 245 | P14733 | Lamin-B1 | 588 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 246 | P70615 | Lamin-B1 | 587 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 247 | P14732 | Lamin-B2 | 600 | Gallus gallus | Show |
| 248 | Q03252 | Lamin-B2 | 620 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 249 | P21619 | Lamin-B2 | 596 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 250 | P09917 | Polyunsaturated fatty acid 5-lipoxygenase | 674 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 251 | P48999 | Polyunsaturated fatty acid 5-lipoxygenase | 674 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 252 | P12527 | Polyunsaturated fatty acid 5-lipoxygenase | 673 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 253 | Q14693 | Phosphatidate phosphatase LPIN1 | 890 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 254 | Q5E9X4 | Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59, N-terminally processed | 306 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 255 | Q5F334 | Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59 | 339 | Gallus gallus | Show |
| 256 | Q6NWG1 | Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59 | 314 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 257 | Q96AG4 | Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59, N-terminally processed | 307 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 258 | Q922Q8 | Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59, N-terminally processed | 307 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 259 | Q5RJR8 | Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59, N-terminally processed | 307 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 260 | Q8AVS8 | Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59 | 307 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 261 | Q6NX28 | Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59 | 308 | Xenopus tropicalis | Show |
| 262 | Q2NKS0 | Leukotriene C4 synthase | 150 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 263 | Q16873 | Leukotriene C4 synthase | 150 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 264 | Q60860 | Leukotriene C4 synthase | 150 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 265 | Q925U2 | Leukotriene C4 synthase | 150 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 266 | P91193 | Macoilin | 897 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 267 | Q9LTY1 | Mitotic spindle checkpoint protein MAD1 | 726 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 268 | Q9LU93 | Mitotic spindle checkpoint protein MAD2 | 209 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 269 | Q9M7N6 | MFP1 attachment factor 1 | 152 | Solanum lycopersicum | Show |
| 270 | Q9WU40 | Inner nuclear membrane protein Man1 | 921 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 271 | Q9WTX8 | Mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD1 | 717 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 272 | P87310 | Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 10 | 144 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 273 | Q18508 | Protein mel-28 | 1784 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 274 | Q5VWP3 | Muscular LMNA-interacting protein | 458 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 275 | Q5FW52 | Muscular LMNA-interacting protein | 269 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 276 | A0A096MK47 | Muscular LMNA-interacting protein | 807 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 277 | Q02455 | Protein MLP1 | 1875 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 278 | P40457 | Protein MLP2 | 1679 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 279 | P53159 | Monopolar spindle protein 2 | 387 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 280 | P47069 | Spindle pole body assembly component MPS3 | 682 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 281 | M9MRD1 | Muscle-specific protein 300 kDa | 12345 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 282 | Q13330 | Metastasis-associated protein MTA1 | 715 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 283 | Q8K4B0 | Metastasis-associated protein MTA1 | 715 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 284 | Q62599 | Metastasis-associated protein MTA1 | 703 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 285 | Q9Y217 | Myotubularin-related protein 6 | 621 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 286 | A0A0G2JXT6 | Myotubularin-related protein 6 | 655 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 287 | Q5F452 | Myotubularin-related protein 8 | 629 | Gallus gallus | Show |
| 288 | Q6TEL0 | Myotubularin-related protein 8 | 632 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 289 | Q96EF0 | Myotubularin-related protein 8 | 704 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 290 | O13712 | Meiotically up-regulated gene 61 protein | 844 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 291 | O94418 | Meiotically up-regulated gene 87 protein | 851 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 292 | Q9NZM1 | Myoferlin | 2061 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 293 | Q9C9T3 | Mitotic-spindle organizing protein 1A | 67 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 294 | Q9M0N8 | Mitotic-spindle organizing protein 1B | 71 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 295 | Q58CN9 | N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D | 392 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 296 | Q6IQ20 | N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D | 393 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 297 | Q8BH82 | N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D | 396 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 298 | Q5RCU3 | N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D | 393 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 299 | Q769K2 | N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D | 396 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 300 | Q80TN7 | Neuron navigator 3 | 2359 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 301 | Q9BTX1 | Nucleoporin NDC1 | 674 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 302 | Q8VCB1 | Nucleoporin NDC1 | 673 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 303 | Q6AXN4 | Nucleoporin NDC1 | 673 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 304 | O13961 | Nuclear envelope protein ndc1 | 601 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 305 | P32500 | Nucleoporin NDC1 | 655 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 306 | F4K1B4 | Nuclear envelope-associated protein 2 | 335 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 307 | Q4PT37 | Nuclear envelope-associated protein 3 | 336 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 308 | B3H5K9 | Protein NEDD1 | 782 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 309 | Q92832 | Protein kinase C-binding protein NELL1 | 810 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 310 | Q2VWQ2 | Protein kinase C-binding protein NELL1 | 810 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 311 | Q62919 | Protein kinase C-binding protein NELL1 | 810 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 312 | A7MBC7 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1 | 445 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 313 | E7FE40 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1 | 446 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 314 | O14524 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1 | 444 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 315 | Q6ZQE4 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1 | 437 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 316 | Q5RDB4 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1 | 444 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 317 | Q28EH9 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1 | 431 | Xenopus tropicalis | Show |
| 318 | Q5ZJY9 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2 | 447 | Gallus gallus | Show |
| 319 | F1QYC4 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2 | 479 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 320 | A6NFY4 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2 | 417 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 321 | Q8CB65 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2 | 421 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 322 | P0C8N6 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2 | 421 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 323 | Q19293 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein | 559 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 324 | Q9VXD6 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein | 454 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 325 | Q8N9A8 | Nuclear envelope phosphatase-regulatory subunit 1 | 125 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 326 | P34077 | Nucleoporin NIC96 | 839 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 327 | B9X187 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1a | 434 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 328 | A1L3G9 | Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1b | 434 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 329 | O14310 | Nucleoporin npp106 | 933 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 330 | O22224 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP93A | 861 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 331 | Q32LM8 | Nurim | 262 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 332 | Q1L911 | Nurim | 275 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 333 | Q9VEG9 | Nurim homolog | 253 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 334 | Q296J9 | Nurim homolog | 253 | Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura | Show |
| 335 | Q8IXM6 | Nurim | 262 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 336 | Q5TM67 | Nurim | 262 | Macaca mulatta | Show |
| 337 | Q8VC65 | Nurim | 262 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 338 | Q1XHX8 | Nurim | 262 | Pan troglodytes | Show |
| 339 | Q767L9 | Nurim | 262 | Sus scrofa | Show |
| 340 | Q6MG14 | Nurim | 262 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 341 | Q6GNM0 | Nurim | 285 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 342 | Q6PFJ7 | Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4 | 791 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 343 | Q9NXE4 | Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4 | 866 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 344 | Q6ZPR5 | Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4 | 823 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 345 | Q5XHG1 | Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4 | 824 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 346 | Q6X4W1 | NMDA receptor synaptonuclear signaling and neuronal migration factor | 530 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 347 | Q99NF2 | NMDA receptor synaptonuclear signaling and neuronal migration factor | 532 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 348 | Q9EPI6 | NMDA receptor synaptonuclear signaling and neuronal migration factor | 532 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 349 | Q10168 | Nucleoporin nsp1 | 598 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 350 | P14907 | Nucleoporin NSP1 | 823 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 351 | Q9FZK4 | Nuclear transport factor 2A, N-terminally processed | 122 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 352 | Q9C7F5 | Nuclear transport factor 2B | 126 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 353 | Q86HW7 | Nuclear transport factor 2 | 127 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 354 | Q02629 | Nucleoporin NUP100/NSP100 | 959 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 355 | Q8L748 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP107 | 1101 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 356 | Q9V466 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup107 | 845 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 357 | P57740 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup107 | 925 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 358 | Q8BH74 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup107 | 926 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 359 | P52590 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup107 | 926 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 360 | Q02630 | Nucleoporin NUP116/NSP116 | 1113 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 361 | P35729 | Nucleoporin NUP120 | 1037 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 362 | Q09904 | Nucleoporin nup124 | 1159 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 363 | Q9UTH0 | Nucleoporin nup132 | 1162 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 364 | Q8WUM0 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup133 | 1156 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 365 | Q8R0G9 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup133 | 1155 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 366 | P36161 | Nucleoporin NUP133 | 1157 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 367 | P49687 | Nucleoporin NUP145C | 1317 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 368 | Q9VXE6 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup153 | 1883 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 369 | P49790 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup153 | 1475 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 370 | P49791 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup153 | 1468 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 371 | Q9V463 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup154 | 1365 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 372 | O75694 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup155 | 1391 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 373 | Q99P88 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup155 | 1391 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 374 | P37199 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup155 | 1390 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 375 | P40064 | Nucleoporin NUP157 | 1391 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 376 | P40477 | Nucleoporin NUP159 | 1460 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 377 | Q9C811 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP160 | 1495 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 378 | Q12769 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup160 | 1436 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 379 | Q9Z0W3 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup160 | 1402 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 380 | P38181 | Nucleoporin NUP170 | 1502 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 381 | Q5SRE5 | Nucleoporin NUP188 | 1749 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 382 | Q6ZQH8 | Nucleoporin NUP188 | 1759 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 383 | P52593 | Nucleoporin NUP188 | 1655 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 384 | P47054 | Nucleoporin NUP192 | 1683 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 385 | F4KBW6 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP205 | 1838 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 386 | Q92621 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup205 | 2012 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 387 | Q9W1X4 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup214 | 1711 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 388 | P35658 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup214 | 2090 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 389 | Q80U93 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup214 | 2085 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 390 | F4J284 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP93B | 860 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 391 | Q8RY25 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP98A | 1041 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 392 | F4ID16 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP98B | 997 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 393 | A4GSN8 | Nuclear-pore anchor | 2093 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 394 | P80303 | Nesfatin-1 | 420 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 395 | P32336 | Protein NUD1 | 851 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 396 | O45717 | Protein nud-2 | 293 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 397 | Q9CAF4 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP1 | 1309 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 398 | P20676 | Nucleoporin NUP1 | 1076 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 399 | P32499 | Nucleoporin NUP2 | 720 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 400 | Q09601 | Nucleoporin NUP35 | 381 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 401 | Q8NFH5 | Nucleoporin NUP35 | 326 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 402 | Q8R4R6 | Nucleoporin NUP35 | 325 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 403 | Q68FY1 | Nucleoporin NUP35 | 325 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 404 | Q8NFH4 | Nucleoporin Nup37 | 326 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 405 | Q9CWU9 | Nucleoporin Nup37 | 326 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 406 | O13838 | Nucleoporin nup40 | 371 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 407 | O15504 | Nucleoporin NUP42 | 423 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 408 | Q8CIC2 | Nucleoporin NUP42 | 420 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 409 | P49686 | Nucleoporin NUP42 | 430 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 410 | Q24JJ9 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP43 | 361 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 411 | Q8NFH3 | Nucleoporin Nup43 | 380 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 412 | P59235 | Nucleoporin Nup43 | 380 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 413 | Q02199 | Nucleoporin NUP49/NSP49 | 472 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 414 | Q9UKX7 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup50 | 468 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 415 | Q9JIH2 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup50 | 466 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 416 | O08587 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup50 | 467 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 417 | Q03790 | Nucleoporin NUP53 | 475 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 418 | Q8GYF7 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP54 | 377 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 419 | Q7Z3B4 | Nucleoporin p54 | 507 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 420 | Q8BTS4 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup54 | 510 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 421 | P70582 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup54 | 510 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 422 | P48837 | Nucleoporin NUP57 | 541 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 423 | Q8RWH9 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP58 | 513 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 424 | Q9VDV3 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup58 | 546 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 425 | Q9BVL2 | Nucleoporin p58/p45 | 599 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 426 | Q8R332 | Nucleoporin p58/p45 | 587 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 427 | P70581 | Nucleoporin p58/p45 | 585 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 428 | Q05166 | Nucleoporin ASM4 | 528 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 429 | P39705 | Nucleoporin NUP60 | 539 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 430 | Q8L7F7 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP62 | 739 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 431 | Q7JXF5 | Nuclear pore glycoprotein p62 | 394 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 432 | P37198 | Nuclear pore glycoprotein p62 | 522 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 433 | Q63850 | Nuclear pore glycoprotein p62 | 526 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 434 | P17955 | Nuclear pore glycoprotein p62 | 525 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 435 | Q9P382 | Nucleoporin nup82 | 803 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 436 | P40368 | Nucleoporin NUP82 | 713 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 437 | P52891 | Nucleoporin NUP84 | 726 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 438 | Q8RXH2 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP85 | 716 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 439 | Q9BW27 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup85 | 656 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 440 | Q8R480 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup85 | 656 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 441 | Q4QQS8 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup85 | 656 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 442 | Q9UUE5 | Nucleoporin nup85 | 675 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 443 | P46673 | Nucleoporin NUP85 | 744 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 444 | Q9FFK6 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP88 | 810 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 445 | Q9GYU8 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup88 | 702 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 446 | Q99567 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup88 | 741 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 447 | Q8CEC0 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup88 | 753 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 448 | O08658 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup88 | 742 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 449 | A5PJZ5 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup93 | 819 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 450 | Q8N1F7 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup93 | 819 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 451 | Q8BJ71 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup93 | 819 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 452 | Q5R822 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup93 | 819 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 453 | Q66HC5 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup93 | 819 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 454 | Q8LLD0 | Nuclear pore complex protein NUP96 | 1046 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 455 | G5EEH9 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup96 | 1678 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 456 | P52948 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup96 | 1817 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 457 | Q6PFD9 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup96 | 1816 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 458 | P49793 | Nuclear pore complex protein Nup96 | 1816 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 459 | P38881 | Nucleus-vacuole junction protein 1 | 321 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 460 | Q9U1H9 | Nuclear RNA export factor 1 | 672 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 461 | Q9V3H8 | NTF2-related export protein | 133 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 462 | Q29RU2 | Oncoprotein-induced transcript 3 protein | 547 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 463 | Q8WWZ8 | Oncoprotein-induced transcript 3 protein | 545 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 464 | Q8R4V5 | Oncoprotein-induced transcript 3 protein | 546 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 465 | Q6V0K7 | Oncoprotein-induced transcript 3 protein | 546 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 466 | O60175 | Protein OPI10 homolog | 200 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 467 | P35845 | Oxysterol-binding protein homolog 1 | 1188 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 468 | Q9NUU6 | Inactive ubiquitin thioesterase OTULINL | 356 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 469 | Q3TVP5 | Inactive ubiquitin thioesterase OTULINL | 353 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 470 | Q3B7D8 | Inactive ubiquitin thioesterase OTULINL | 353 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 471 | Q96HA1 | Nuclear envelope pore membrane protein POM 121 | 1249 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 472 | A8CG34 | Nuclear envelope pore membrane protein POM 121C | 1229 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 473 | A4IFJ5 | Lysophospholipase | 749 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 474 | O77793 | Lysophospholipase | 749 | Equus caballus | Show |
| 475 | P47712 | Lysophospholipase | 749 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 476 | P47713 | Lysophospholipase | 748 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 477 | Q5R8A5 | Lysophospholipase | 749 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 478 | Q9TT38 | Lysophospholipase | 748 | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Show |
| 479 | P50393 | Lysophospholipase | 752 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 480 | Q64GA5 | Cytosolic phospholipase A2 gamma | 597 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 481 | Q9NR21 | Protein mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase PARP11 | 338 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 482 | Q8CFF0 | Protein mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase PARP11 | 331 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 483 | Q12144 | Pore and endoplasmic reticulum protein of 33 kDa | 273 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 484 | P53903 | Processing of GAS1 and ALP protein 2 | 129 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 485 | O15173 | Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 2 | 223 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 486 | Q80UU9 | Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 2 | 217 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 487 | Q5XIU9 | Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 2 | 217 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 488 | P53816 | Phospholipase A and acyltransferase 3 | 162 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 489 | Q8R3U1 | Phospholipase A and acyltransferase 3 | 162 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 490 | Q5R611 | Phospholipase A and acyltransferase 3 | 162 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 491 | P53817 | Phospholipase A and acyltransferase 3 | 160 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 492 | Q9NRZ7 | 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase gamma | 376 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 493 | Q9D517 | 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase gamma | 376 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 494 | Q5RA57 | 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase gamma | 376 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 495 | Q9NUQ2 | 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase epsilon | 364 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 496 | Q9D1E8 | 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase epsilon | 365 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 497 | Q6P0E8 | Inactive phospholipid phosphatase 7 | 287 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 498 | Q8NBV4 | Inactive phospholipid phosphatase 7 | 271 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 499 | Q91WB2 | Inactive phospholipid phosphatase 7 | 271 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 500 | Q5FVJ3 | Inactive phospholipid phosphatase 7 | 271 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 501 | Q8K3Z9 | Nuclear envelope pore membrane protein POM 121 | 1200 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 502 | P52591 | Nuclear envelope pore membrane protein POM 121 | 1199 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 503 | O94385 | Nucleoporin pom152 | 1250 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 504 | P39685 | Nucleoporin POM152 | 1337 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 505 | Q8TEM1 | Nuclear pore membrane glycoprotein 210 | 1887 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 506 | Q9QY81 | Nuclear pore membrane glycoprotein 210 | 1886 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 507 | P11654 | Nuclear pore membrane glycoprotein 210 | 1886 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 508 | Q12445 | Nucleoporin POM34 | 299 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 509 | P42001 | Protection of telomeres homolog 1 | 400 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 510 | Q84XU2 | Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 5 | 538 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 511 | Q08931 | Pheromone-regulated membrane protein 3 | 133 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 512 | Q9UTB5 | Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 2 alpha chain | 516 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 513 | P22057 | Prostaglandin-H2 D-isomerase | 189 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 514 | P78406 | mRNA export factor RAE1 | 368 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 515 | Q38942 | Protein RAE1 | 349 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 516 | Q9W2E7 | Protein Rae1 | 346 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 517 | Q9LE82 | RAN GTPase-activating protein 1 | 535 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 518 | P46060 | Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 | 587 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 519 | P46061 | Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 | 589 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 520 | O13066 | Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 | 580 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 521 | Q9M651 | RAN GTPase-activating protein 2 | 545 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 522 | P41917 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran-2 | 221 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 523 | Q3T054 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 524 | P62825 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Canis lupus familiaris | Show |
| 525 | Q7ZZX9 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 215 | Carassius auratus | Show |
| 526 | P42558 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Gallus gallus | Show |
| 527 | P79735 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 215 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 528 | Q9VZ23 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 529 | P62826 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 530 | Q4R4M9 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Macaca fascicularis | Show |
| 531 | P62827 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 532 | P38544 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 215 | Onchocerca volvulus | Show |
| 533 | Q5R556 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 534 | P62828 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 535 | Q9YGC0 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 215 | Salmo salar | Show |
| 536 | P52301 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 537 | Q6GL85 | GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran | 216 | Xenopus tropicalis | Show |
| 538 | Q8NDT2 | Putative RNA-binding protein 15B | 890 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 539 | Q6PHZ5 | Putative RNA-binding protein 15B | 887 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 540 | P48820 | E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 | 1085 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 541 | P49792 | E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 | 3224 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 542 | Q9ERU9 | E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 | 3053 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 543 | H2QII6 | E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 | 3224 | Pan troglodytes | Show |
| 544 | Q86T96 | E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF180 | 592 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 545 | Q3U827 | E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF180 | 592 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 546 | Q5RAK3 | E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF180 | 592 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 547 | Q68DV7 | E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF43 | 783 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 548 | Q5NCP0 | E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF43 | 784 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 549 | P0DPR2 | E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF43 | 689 | Xenopus tropicalis | Show |
| 550 | O14188 | Ras GTPase-activating-like protein rng2 | 1489 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 551 | Q148F6 | Protein rogdi homolog | 287 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 552 | O17213 | Protein rogdi homolog | 292 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 553 | Q7ZVT5 | Protein rogdi homolog | 284 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 554 | Q9VVE2 | Protein rogdi | 268 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 555 | Q9GZN7 | Protein rogdi homolog | 287 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 556 | Q3TDK6 | Protein rogdi homolog | 287 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 557 | Q5R7X1 | Protein rogdi homolog | 287 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 558 | Q4V7D2 | Protein rogdi homolog | 287 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 559 | O77691 | Protein S100-A6 | 92 | Equus caballus | Show |
| 560 | P06703 | Protein S100-A6 | 90 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 561 | P14069 | Protein S100-A6 | 89 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 562 | Q2EN75 | Protein S100-A6 | 90 | Sus scrofa | Show |
| 563 | P30801 | Protein S100-A6 | 90 | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Show |
| 564 | P05964 | Protein S100-A6 | 89 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 565 | O74889 | SAC3 family protein 1 | 1024 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 566 | Q09825 | Spindle pole body-associated protein sad1 | 514 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 567 | O64740 | Protein transport protein SEC13 homolog B | 302 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 568 | P40075 | Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein SCS2 | 244 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 569 | P55735 | Protein SEC13 homolog | 322 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 570 | Q9D1M0 | Protein SEC13 homolog | 322 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 571 | Q5XFW8 | Protein SEC13 homolog | 322 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 572 | Q04491 | Protein transport protein SEC13 | 297 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 573 | Q9HGN7 | Translocation protein sec63 | 611 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 574 | Q93VR9 | Protein SEH1 | 326 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 575 | Q7K2X8 | Nucleoporin seh1 | 354 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 576 | Q96EE3 | Nucleoporin SEH1 | 360 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 577 | Q8R2U0 | Nucleoporin SEH1 | 360 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 578 | P53011 | Nucleoporin SEH1 | 349 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 579 | Q09353 | Sentrin-specific protease | 697 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 580 | Q9UST7 | Transcription factor tau subunit sfc3 | 1339 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 581 | Q99720 | Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1 | 223 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 582 | O55242 | Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1 | 223 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 583 | Q9R0C9 | Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1 | 223 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 584 | Q9D7I0 | Protein shisa-5 | 235 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 585 | Q5XIH2 | Protein shisa-5 | 130 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 586 | Q5XVI1 | Protein SINE1 | 560 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 587 | Q9SQR5 | Protein SINE2 | 554 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 588 | Q9C900 | Protein SINE3 | 193 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 589 | Q9SW31 | Protein SINE4 | 157 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 590 | P39929 | Vacuolar-sorting protein SNF7 | 240 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 591 | P40548 | HSP70 co-chaperone SNL1 | 159 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 592 | Q9NPE6 | Sperm-associated antigen 4 protein | 437 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 593 | Q9JJF2 | Sperm-associated antigen 4 protein | 443 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 594 | O55034 | Sperm-associated antigen 4 protein | 444 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 595 | Q03707 | Inner nuclear membrane protein SRC1 | 834 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 596 | Q9FF75 | SUN domain-containing protein 1 | 471 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 597 | Q20924 | Sun domain-containing protein 1 | 473 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 598 | Q558Z2 | Sun domain-containing protein 1 | 905 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 599 | O94901 | SUN domain-containing protein 1 | 785 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 600 | Q9D666 | SUN domain-containing protein 1 | 913 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 601 | Q9SG79 | SUN domain-containing protein 2 | 455 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 602 | Q9UH99 | SUN domain-containing protein 2 | 717 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 603 | Q8BJS4 | SUN domain-containing protein 2 | 731 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 604 | F4I316 | SUN domain-containing protein 3 | 660 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 605 | Q8TAQ9 | SUN domain-containing protein 3 | 357 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 606 | Q5SS91 | SUN domain-containing protein 3 | 320 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 607 | F4I8I0 | SUN domain-containing protein 4 | 596 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 608 | Q8TC36 | SUN domain-containing protein 5 | 379 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 609 | Q9DA32 | SUN domain-containing protein 5 | 373 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 610 | O02101 | SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling accessory subunit 2 | 449 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 611 | Q04175 | Importin beta SMX1 | 944 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 612 | Q8NF91 | Nesprin-1 | 8797 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 613 | Q6ZWR6 | Nesprin-1 | 8799 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 614 | Q8WXH0 | Nesprin-2 | 6885 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 615 | Q6ZWQ0 | Nesprin-2 | 6874 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 616 | Q6ZMZ3 | Nesprin-3 | 975 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 617 | Q4FZC9 | Nesprin-3 | 975 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 618 | Q5ZM31 | Transmembrane protein 170A | 138 | Gallus gallus | Show |
| 619 | A3KPL7 | Transmembrane protein 170A | 145 | Danio rerio | Show |
| 620 | Q8WVE7 | Transmembrane protein 170A | 144 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 621 | Q9D342 | Transmembrane protein 170A | 144 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 622 | Q6DF87 | Transmembrane protein 170A | 142 | Xenopus laevis | Show |
| 623 | Q08231 | Nuclear mRNA export protein THP1 | 455 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 624 | Q0WSX8 | TIR domain-containing protein | 255 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 625 | Q22747 | Transmembrane protein 201 homolog | 588 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 626 | Q5SNT2 | Transmembrane protein 201 | 666 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 627 | A2A8U2 | Transmembrane protein 201 | 664 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 628 | P57088 | Transmembrane protein 33 | 247 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 629 | Q9CR67 | Transmembrane protein 33 | 247 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 630 | Q9Z142 | Transmembrane protein 33 | 247 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 631 | Q9H2S6 | Tenomodulin | 317 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 632 | Q9EP64 | Tenomodulin | 317 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 633 | Q9ESC2 | Tenomodulin | 317 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 634 | Q9Y5L0 | Transportin-3 | 923 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 635 | Q6P2B1 | Transportin-3 | 923 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 636 | Q55CQ7 | Transportin | 931 | Dictyostelium discoideum | Show |
| 637 | Q921T2 | Torsin-1A-interacting protein 1 | 595 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 638 | Q5PQX1 | Torsin-1A-interacting protein 1 | 583 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 639 | Q8BYU6 | Torsin-1A-interacting protein 2 | 502 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 640 | Q6P752 | Torsin-1A-interacting protein 2 | 578 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 641 | Q9ERA9 | Torsin-1A | 273 | Cricetus cricetus | Show |
| 642 | O14656 | Torsin-1A | 332 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 643 | Q60HG2 | Torsin-1A | 332 | Macaca fascicularis | Show |
| 644 | Q9ER39 | Torsin-1A | 333 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 645 | Q68G38 | Torsin-1A | 333 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 646 | O14657 | Torsin-1B | 336 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 647 | Q9ER41 | Torsin-1B | 336 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 648 | A1Z8P9 | Nucleoprotein TPR | 2346 | Drosophila melanogaster | Show |
| 649 | P12270 | Nucleoprotein TPR | 2363 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 650 | F6ZDS4 | Nucleoprotein TPR | 2431 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 651 | F1MA98 | Nucleoprotein TPR | 2360 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 652 | P15565 | tRNA (guanine(26)-N(2))-dimethyltransferase, mitochondrial | 570 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 653 | Q9HCX4 | Short transient receptor potential channel 7 | 862 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 654 | Q9WVC5 | Short transient receptor potential channel 7 | 862 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 655 | F4ICX9 | TSK-associating protein 1 | 759 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 656 | Q8VZG7 | Ribonuclease TUDOR 1 | 991 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 657 | Q9FLT0 | Ribonuclease TUDOR 2 | 985 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 658 | Q9Y7Z5 | Tetra-spanning protein 1 | 279 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 659 | Q95017 | SUMO-conjugating enzyme UBC9 | 166 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 660 | P63279 | SUMO-conjugating enzyme UBC9 | 158 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 661 | Q3ZBU9 | UBX domain-containing protein 4 | 508 | Bos taurus | Show |
| 662 | Q92575 | UBX domain-containing protein 4 | 508 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 663 | Q8VCH8 | UBX domain-containing protein 4 | 506 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 664 | Q5R4I3 | UBX domain-containing protein 4 | 508 | Pongo abelii | Show |
| 665 | Q5HZY0 | UBX domain-containing protein 4 | 506 | Rattus norvegicus | Show |
| 666 | P39547 | ULP1-interacting protein 3 | 235 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 667 | Q08926 | ULP1-interacting protein 4 | 304 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 668 | P36137 | Protein UIP5 | 443 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 669 | Q23064 | Nuclear migration protein unc-83 | 1041 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 670 | Q20745 | Nuclear migration and anchoring protein unc-84 | 1111 | Caenorhabditis elegans | Show |
| 671 | Q12063 | Dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase complex subunit NUS1 | 375 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |
| 672 | Q86Y07 | Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK2 | 508 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 673 | Q8BN21 | Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK2 | 503 | Mus musculus | Show |
| 674 | Q8IZQ1 | WD repeat and FYVE domain-containing protein 3 | 3526 | Homo sapiens | Show |
| 675 | Q8GXA4 | WPP domain-interacting protein 1 | 489 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 676 | Q9FH18 | WPP domain-interacting protein 2 | 509 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 677 | Q94AV5 | WPP domain-interacting protein 3 | 459 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 678 | Q8L7E5 | WPP domain-interacting tail-anchored protein 1 | 703 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Show |
| 679 | O94473 | Uncharacterized membrane protein C1919.04 | 256 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 680 | O74525 | Uncharacterized membrane protein C70.04c | 244 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 681 | Q9Y820 | PCI domain-containing protein C1105.07c | 442 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 682 | Q9UU91 | Protein yop1 | 182 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | Show |
| 683 | Q06616 | Nuclear envelope protein YPR174C | 221 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C | Show |